the game has potential.. for a start where is the option to attach standards to regiments??? or talismans.. also where are the regiments unique special abilities lkke form shield wall and so on??? then there is a large lack of variety in the units…
the time of the sandbox is here.. its about time they started making real games.. sure rpgs are fun but oh until you have been there and done that.. in a sandbox there is no been there done that. its more im here doing this which will lead to somet…
im a long time eve player.. took a break returned to a dwindling elitist remaining player base... as another has already said.. eve is dieing. hence why you now have super cap docks lol.. ccps last ditch attempt to hold on to whats left.. they sho…
Quazal.A said:
Deathenger said:
Personally I think the starting skills should be raised much higher for new players. T1 bc and down and higher support skills imho.
and in this case what new player can even understand the nu…
swtor has false numbers... im a subscriber but I dont play. the games not even installed.. dony go off subscriptions.. uts about time they announced active regular players as their selling factor
the games good the controls are clunky sometimes its hard to do fine clicking and selecting. also with the inability to look around!! storage chests and npcs can become unusable until the crowds have cleared.. combat is basic trinity but divers wit…
Joriel said:
We have LoTR online after the success it was the movies and books, now GoT is also very popular, so the question is, why no AAA Game of Thrones mmo?
it seems there was some browser based game about to come out but it seems dead, w…
I started eve 9 years ago as anti pirate built a hugecorp. ... Ran it into the ground duetobad members. .. And now I'm still aznti pirate hitting them in their own back yard inlowsec. Haha they tell and shit calling me a banker and briefer even thou…
And this ladies and gentlemen is why no console of any kind will ever rid the world of pc's... to make it obvious for the bafoons out there ! a console can not be modded or upgraded to allow for advancement in technology and programming! a pc does…
Yes wow most certainly ruined the gaming community.. wow gave us instant gratification for minimal effort.. now all those wow players moving to other games simply can not under stand or come to terms with the concept of earning and working hard to p…
Heres an idea for a kickstarter but founders input would ruin the idea.
A medievil sandbox mmo.. not an rpg just a sabdbox mmo.. no story chain !! Just the game world and its mechanics
Basically the player creates a toon and enters the fre…
People are taking nultiple jeys with multiple accounts to sell on. Mmorpg shoul dustribute through email avoiding ones that look the same.. and randonly rather than going down an alphabetical list.. ive been trying to get a key for months but there …
Originally posted by cowhead Makes me sad though the change is needed. My renter corp is losing our systems. They are giving it people who can defend it better.
of course they are! think about it! your renting because you can not take it for…
I paid 40 on a friends reccomsndation .. I logged in tried to navigate and do a mission couldnt do it logged off and will never play it again.. its even crap with a game pad. Ui is hilariously over comllicated for the massive limitationz of the a…
well i hope they can make a 32" tablet with HD graphic processors which has 2 ggb of ddr5 ram and duel GPU'S with over 16 gig of system memmory and 2 terrabytes of storage space which runs like 4 raid 0 drives!!! oh yea and internet connection thr…
Tactical mode is shit the game is basically skyrim camera is clumsy to controll and whats with the over steer on chareter control! There is absolutely no precision control in the game. Falling off cliffs is getting tirng because of it.. And i impo…
I have been crying out for a medievil themed sandbox with player driven economy and crafting with an intuitive guild system for a long long long time. i have even gone as far as to design my own sandbox medievil mmo in the hope that one day i may be…