The highest reported subscription to FFXI is 500,000 somewhere around Febuary after its launch for the ENG Ps2 version of the game. The CoP expansion is one of the worst mmorpg expansions ever. I couldn't believe waiting 4 months for the expansion a…
Let me guese, you're assuming that someone having played mmorpg for the past half decade to not know that he may have american friends to pay for their accounts instead. Purchase the game through ebay from the americans or have a friend there buy it…
I just created this account today. The name is an expression of Irony that is instilled within me with regard to what happened today with Blizzard's firm decision on implementing Forced servers.
I am a WoWfan no more, my name is only a pigment of…
Perhaps its true that the Americans wish to remove the possibilities of asian gil farmers to cause in game economy problems for their new game. However, there are still plenty of american gil farmers that would sell gils or equipments through ebay t…
I wonder what would be the results for WoW and EQ 2 when they both release on november the 15th. Its is a great disappointment for blizzard's recent plan on having Forced Servers. In any case, I wi…