vegetableoil said:
making a joke of people hardship with real shortage of toilet paper. what a class A-HOLE company. this actually pisses me off, more than anything they did. Lack of empathy.
Lighten up Francis
maxcancer said:
i'm sorry if i talking about that but this head start sounds like a Pay2win, so, who pay more start first, who pay less start after, and who pay more, has a greater chance of making more levels and be more advantaged..... for m…
Ozmodan said:
When they borked the companions I just removed it from my hard drive. I tried playing some of my alts and the companions are now completely useless, they might as well remove them from the game. At least there are a lot be…
These comments helped me pass on trying Eve again. Basically pay a sub for a solo game, or pay a sub to listen to a bunch of man children pretend they're Patton.
It's a facebook game with a singleplayer experience attached to it. Just click on your base buildings to collect money. Then repetitive raids on player bases with no actual players present.
What a shit game this turned out to be. Even the land owning system is trash. It's basically if you're lucky enough to buy a house and place it, it's like getting a nice home and placing it in a slum. Just a mishmash of horrible eyesore cluster fuck.
My brother and I rarely get along, he's very different than my self on multiple reasons beyond gaming. When it does come to games, he likes his Jrpgs and I'm off playing 007 or star fox. How ever we rented Gauntlet Legends for N64 once and it was pr…
Much as I might want to look forward to this game, I probably won't. Mainly because Imperial Guard will most likely not be playable. Also no idea how Orks for F2P users will work, unless this is simply a team death match game with factions all fight…