Originally posted by Dullahan Originally posted by craftseeker Originally posted by Kiyoris It's a fallacy of some to suggest that EQ or Lineage or FF players only accept gameplay pre-WoW of their own games. Almost all EQ players I know accept …
Originally posted by Loke666 Originally posted by Kezzadrix Open world games are all about the competition with others. Sure, you co-operate with a small portion of players but you compete with many more for just about everything. I like the c…
Originally posted by deniter Originally posted by UsualSuspect Originally posted by nariusseldon Pve Questing - most quests are solo, and seeing 50 others competing for the quest mobs is not fun nor immersive. (Really, i am going to get the sup…
Originally posted by crack_fox Originally posted by Fendel84M
I'm really excited I was hoping for combat in landmark! I'm not a big builder type but the thrill of exploration in games like Minecraft and Terraria is a lot of fun.
I feel the opp…
I'd also love to see the evil places of Norrath be a playable aspect in EQN just as much as good places. I think it would be awesome if you could help Orcs transform their encampment into a defensible settlement until it becomes a fortress of doom …
Originally posted by Axehilt Being "RPG" strongly detracts from high-quality PVP. If the RPG part lets you grow stronger (vertical progression), then a game's PVP quality will be completely ruined.
Longer explanation:
* MOBAs already have…
My favorite online game of all time was EQ1 (up to a certain point when too many things changed the game). On top of being a really fun game, in my opinion, it also had a very good community. Sure, there were a few bad apples on my server that I e…
Originally posted by kaz350 Infinite Dungeons kill crafting : Due to an infinite amount of loot on par with or better than crafting there is usually little incentive to wear crafted gear. The crafted gear that IS useful is usually quickly replaced.
Originally posted by Grixxitt Originally posted by JamesP
I haven't read the whole thread so this may have already been said... However your getting upset about Path of Exiles is kind of pointless. Path of Exiles is still in Development. T…
I haven't heard anything yet about their plans for F2P or Subscriptions but I personally have no issue with paying $12-15 a month for something I enjoy.
Originally posted by BearKnight Originally posted by SpottyGekko We have seen a "tech demo" of ingame combat which was created to highlight aspects of movement and illustrate terrain destruction. There was virtually no AI used for the mobs, in fac…
Got me thinking about holes now.. I wonder how NPCs will react to terrain. If you make a pit and lure some big golem into it, will it stay trapped? Can you fill a pit with tons of mobs? or will it smash a big path somewhere for you? Might be a fa…
There are likely many ways a player could kill another if they are AFK, making a hole under you is just a new one. If you're going to AFK for a long period of time, find someplace safe or hide yourself well.
Originally posted by asdar
I haven't heard a single complaint about anything to do with non-theme park hate or anti-sandbox.
The top two complaints are:
The character graphics suck balls
The combat doesn't look engaging,…
Originally posted by IridescentOrk
nothing new about this game, it has beend one before
Many aspects of EQN have been done before but not all in one game and there are many new things too and i'm sure we'll still hear more new things in time.
I think that the landmark is one of the best things I heard about EQN. It was said that landmark creations will be posted on a website and voted on before getting into the game, so I don't think you need to worry too much about "penis towers and bo…
Originally posted by Murugan Originally posted by tank017 I hear ya..
Its like they made this awesome looking hot fudge sundae,holding it in front of you in all its glory,making you salivate.
and then they squatted and took a big f…
Originally posted by Lord.Bachus Originally posted by Dullahan I expect no pvp at this point, whereas prior to the reveal I thought it would play a major role.
The gameplay they intend for EQN is a massive undertaking, and they seem to have tun…
I am disappointed they made EQN into an action game. Combat reminds me of Diablo. I am also not a huge fan of weapons determining 4 of 8 skills. EQ had 8 slots for a long time but players could decide what 8 to use at any given time. Just seems …