I'm completely with ya about the combat and action style gameplay (the gender lock doesn't really bother me though).......i havent found a game like dragon nest, thats been released, in america or the eu yet.....still waiting unfortunately
I think the gameplay in Tera is interesting, at least it tries to engage you in the combat, instead of simply spamming a button and daydreaming........ it mighten't be a perfect system or very "skill based" but at least they're trying to break the m…
I completely agree, that mmorpgs need the pve mobs to have some sort of AI or "behavior", instead of just wandering around like mindless dummies. I really hope GW2 implements it in some way or another, even something simple, it doesn't have to be gr…
well i' ve never been into pvp in mmorpgs cause its pretty pointless. theres no skill when it comes down to it. so would i rather fight a monster and get loot/ exp. or fight another player and achieve nothing?
im interested in seeing pvp in some o…