Originally posted by Ihmotepp http://darthhater.com/2010/07/08/e3-hands-on-impressions/page/5
Zoidberg - Grouping is an efficient way to quest and level, as it makes killing enemies in the open world easier. Along with the ease of killing, social …
Originally posted by cyphers It's something that has me curious for a while now: the armor for female characters in MMORPG's.
Yes, I know the adagium, 'sex sells', and they're games, not based on reality, but really, when you look at a lot of …
Originally posted by GreenJelly You have to have a credit card to play this game... Anyone who would want have to opt in for this service...
Anyways, yes... Some Kids would join the Adult servers, but who cares... At least we wouldn't have to deal…