So far I'm having a blast. But the servers need some love (ability lag, lag in general) and they could do some fine tuning to the chat and duty finder system. Overall, I agree with the review.
Originally posted by Gallus85 Originally posted by Squeak69 Originally posted by Gallus85 Originally posted by Squeak69 I on the other hand disagree on every point here.
Based on what facts?
facts? none its my opinion,…
Originally posted by dekkion1
Already did it, ok cooler check,,root beer check, hot pockets check, paid sister to do dishes on sat check, told my girl i had to work check, got rid of the cat check, ummm im ready
Mum... check?…
Originally posted by huskie77 BTW- The first aftermarket company to make a blindfold/muffler for the connect will be rich! Paranoia runs strong here in America.
You have Prism/NSA, Google, Facebook, ... you name it. Even your democratic (=good?) …
Originally posted by Beatnik59 The hell with that. I try to hide my online gaming from society, not celebrate it. Tell me, does any gamer really want chicks, employers and friends to know how much you like elves, orcs and pwning? Do you really wa…
As a reviewer you have to face fanboys these days. People just suck in the anonymity of the internet.
That said, personally I appreciate two types of reviews:
1. The emotional one of a true gamer, who explains why he enjoys the game in an informat…
Nice wheel.
Some years ago I had a good wheel and a DIY racing rig made from an old car seat. I think one of the better (and online!) experiences was iRacing. It seems to be expensive, but it is so hard to even drive the beginner cars that I never …
To say it with a citation from the cartoon series South Park - World of Warcraft Episode:
Husband: "The evil guy stole the Sword of Eternal Might!"
Wife: "So what?"
Husband (unbelieving): "SO WHAT???!!?!?!??!!!!"
it may sound a little off-topic, but...
With your age, why don't you start pushing the limits of your job a little, get a wife and some children, build a house? If you spend the time on games you did 10-15 years ago, maybe one day you'll find it…
Seems like we have a similar taste...
After 25 years of gaming, I started taking a break after each game I play for 2-3 month or so. Then I came back and started looking for a new game. Some recommendations I enjoyed over the last years:
Gothic …
The SW books of the old republic timeline ("Deceived" by Paul S. Kemp and "Fatal Alliance" by Sean Williams) explain the situation very well... at this time you have thousands of sith and jedi warriors, most of them quite average people.
Several h…
Originally posted by Beyorn
... I wish more mmo's just added some type of mentor system ...
I don't understand why most mmo's don't have a mentor system. It would be an easy solution for the problem, which is indeed fundamental to …