yea. I was curious about it, but the whole not having the price on the website and the fact that the website itself timed out/crashed a couple times during account creation is a little too shady. I would have been willing to pay the 15 bucks, but n…
Let me put it another way. How much does the game cost? I have been searching all over the products page, my account area looking for a price, but nothing. It just asks me for my credit card info. Seriously.. wtf
WAR was fun for the first few weeks, but it quickly became old. Personally I never felt like I was in an actual world, each new area felt like filler between BG's. Add in the lack of skill based gameplay and it's just not for the serious gamer imo.
I tried to re-activate also with no luck, the website says they only save accounts for 6 months. Too bad, I had a Typhoon and tons of cruiser/frig blueprints, I just don;t think I can start from scratch again.
Now that Slappy (Chip) has left, I don't see much need for holding back in regards to the ludicrous handling of players by GM's and staff of PWG. I will just tell you a little story about my time with RYL and you can draw your own conclusions.
Havnt Played WoW yet, so I will just comment on GW. I think GW has acomplished something new in the sense that you can play casually and actually get something done. I'm a long time "hardcore gamer" from UO/AC/DaOC/EQ etc etc.. and in a lot of ways …
Bah, if you get bored killing monsters then why the fuk do you play MMORPG's? to chat? Get real.
This is a PvP game, period. You level to a certain point, around 40ish, then you start mixing it up on the other islands killing the other races. if y…