Personally I hated the fact that you died, and lost hours of work. At the beginning levels, sure it wasnt so bad, but when you got up there the various penalties (depending on the game) were ridiculous, and casued you to do hours of work over again…
Frankly Im glad I dont always have to worry about some gay ass lvl 50 player PKing my level 15 ass. Im glad I dont have to worry about some loser 13 year old trying to sell me this "L33T Ph4t Swurd for 50k" just to have it turn out to be some piece…
Personally I give little credit to reviews posted on message boards, because most of them are little fanboys who want to do nothing more than flame their compitition. The only reviews I pay any hedence to are gameing sites and mags, which I actuall…
Well granted ive never played Lineage 2, only seen graphics....but sounds fairly original to me. I mean, Lineage is Fantasy, this is Sci-Fi, the gameplay may be similar, but it is still two entirely different things. Personally it looks kinda inte…
Personally Metallica and Metal in general has never been my style.
(See people this is how you say it, not "OMG your band is a bunch of pussy fags, who are talentless pieces of crap. You are a fag! I am l33t!!! Anyone who listens to this band s…