The Guardians wear a mithril scale armor embodying their ancestors. Since their armor was developed during the Dragon Era, it has become the masterpiece of Dwarven craftsman. It is thin, solid, enables free movement, and has very good defensive powe…
The only game that involves 'thought' is GuildWars, because it takes some skill to play. Twitch based skill is great, but MMOs don't provide 'thought' based skill in a game. WoW is mind numbingly boring with that regard. Monsters are stupid, just at…
This is a hard choice..
On one hand we have ToR. It's main features being as follows : the most fan-favoured setting ever spawned upon this world, a hard and heavy focus on story-driven experience, JEDI, and (apparently) slow, shoddy combat which …
It will be a big disaster, most people will turn their attention in doing other things, but the thing is, some people might decide to take drugs or any other bad stuffs to make them busy or for burning extra time. I guess it will be alarming if most…
Right now, I'm taking up networking admin, we took up techical things duringour first year. Right now, you have to choose if you want to be in the hardware part or the software part of the computer. If you think you want learn how to create your own…