Originally posted by dbgager
Zenimax seems to be very proactive. The issues with Bots, Gold Spammers, Bugs will be resolved. Give the game a little time to mature. It can only get better. We are already to patch 5 ..In what ...3 weeks.
Agreed...I …
Agreed...never been a huge Final Fantasy fan, but this one's got my attention. UI, combat, graphics, crafting - all well done. And to think it's on the PS3/PS4 as well - ok - mind blown.
While I agree The War Z isn't the greatest game (and thier business practices were poor), I have to say, I don't think it deserves a review quite this low (3 or 4 maybe, but 1s? Really?). I could see if it wasn't even playable, but that's definite…