I don't like how they dismiss SWTOR. Rift is a good game but even WOW gives respect where respect is due. Wow is adding content because they know SWTOR is coming out. That shows respect. Wow will have a large portion of the MMO market for many more …
The light and darkside mechanic adds another dimension to the game. It helps build your characters character but doesn't restrict you from suceeding in the game. It won't affect some players but it will make things more interesting for players who a…
Very good video. The Jedi seemed to ha ve the upper hand but if you noticed the bounty hunter made it close again when he activated his shields. Bounty hunter shield seems to be similar to paladin bubble in that you are temporarily immune to damage.…
Worst case scenario they'll let you in two days prior to launch. Best case scenario they let you in a week early, But its not gonna be like 3 weeks early. 3 to 7 days will be a great way to stagger the launch and have a much smoother launch.