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  • Great suggestions. I have been pressing the case for Valkyrie as a character partly because a flying horse (one up on on the GR costume) would be awesome if technically possible - and yes 'more amusing than it should be'!
  • Great year for me because of Marvel Heroes Online. Whatever your opinion of the game (and I know a lot of people dismiss it) the Developers are absolutely stellar in terms of their engagement, enthusiasm and responsiveness. This in turn leads to an …
  • 'Sigh' oh Gawd not this canard again. Let us try and be clear.... Wikipedia (and thats as good a source as any) defines a Multiplayer Video Game as... "A multiplayer video game is a video game in which more than one person can play in the same game…
  • Very amusing list - but mostly very unamusing responses. 'Adult' means porn - that isn't restricted to the game world, it applies to film, books, TV etc. etc. so objecting on those grounds is absurd. The list made absolutely clear which games have w…
  • Originally posted by jbombard I feel as if I have seen this same debate with different people, 100 different times on a 100 different forums.   My 2 cents: What makes games fun is a sense of achievement.  If you can buy stuff instead of earning …
  • The thread seems to me to be a little schizophrenic - one flow is from the OP and subject (are MMOs too 'easy' - a word which clearly means different things to different people) the other flow is about a perceived decline of Group Content. Both are …
  • Yes depends on the game. But I love text if the story interests me - and there are two possible reasons for my interest to be aroused.. 1. The game's lore - LOTRO is my alpha example here; if you are into the LOTR universe then you are going to be …
  • Originally posted by Cyberdeck7 The problem with all of these definitions of pay to win is that they're only defining Win in relation to combat. MMOs have many, many more features than combat and people play for many different reasons, so while your…
  • Agree almost completely with the article but think these is more that could be added. For some people (and I know I am not the only one because I have talked to a few others) there are times when we really NEED to solo because we are in the middle o…
  • Very interesting article and discussion. As a noob (both in MMORPG and this forum terms) I have only played two games seriously, which I imagine would be at different ends of the spectrum - Runescape and Vindictus. To reach the ultimate level caps…