I too am interested in this but am ffrom the uk. Private message e or e-ail me on jamesctm@hotmail.com to discuss it further as I am busy all today so won't be able to pop on yhere all the time
Originally posted by eyelolled I'd suggest telling people what you liked about WoW to get better feedback.
Sorry I will just edit my post
Bit of a noobish post tbh
I too am looking for a worthy MMO to start now. Don't mind if its P2P or whatever. Just a good playerbase that doesn't demand absolutley loads on graphics. Please PM me as I'm on my phone atm
I'm a nooob to mate. Well played Wow for about 7 months but looking for other eople wanting to play an MMO. DDO is very P2W by the way and progression is slow
Originally posted by Xexv
Originally posted by JamesLewis
I'm from the UK mate
Nice, I'll /friend you. Thought I'd try the OlderGgamers but only RPG that interests me there is AoC and it's on a US server so not too hot on t…