Hello there! Our FFXIV:ARR branch has about 65 active members at the moment. We plan on growing even more during open beta and early release. Even with our numbers, we plan on having fun events and something exciting for every play style! Whether yo…
Time is ticking away!!! If you're looking for an amazing group of players to game with in FFXIV:ARR then come and check out PainTrain [PTX]. We are looking to take Adamantoise by storm and strive to be the best community out there! We will be tackli…
PainTrain had a very successful Meet and Greet tonight! Our TeamSpeak was loaded with Veteran, New and potential members! I'd like to thank everyone for showing up and talking FFXIV with us. I got to meet lots of wonderful people tonight!
If you…
Still looking for a Free Company and fun community to join? Enjoy endgame raiding, dungeon farming and leveling with friends? If so, join PainTrain [PTX]!!!! Open beta is almost here and now is the time to join a cool community and be a step ahead o…
I'm excited to say that we had a very successful weekend! PainTrain added roughly 15 new members to our community! If you're looking for a mature group of players to game with come open beta and launch, I suggest checking us out. PainTrain [PTX] are…
Our community is growing by the day! Come join us this Friday on Adamantoise server! Feel free to join us in TeamSpeak to theorycraft, talk strategies, or just hang out! Once in our TS contact Devisidian, Shadowlord Pain, Gil, IEa…
Hello! PainTrain is looking for more members! We are a mature bunch of gamers looking for like-minded individuals for FFXIV. We understand real life responsibilities. Most of us all hold down full time jobs and have families of our own. That's why w…
If you're looking for a mature gaming community, come check us out! We plan on doing Endgame Raiding, PvP, Guild Events, Crafting, as well as leveling up our new and low lvl members! Feel free to hop into our TeamSpeak 3 server and chat with our lea…
Very well written! I'm glad you've brought your "talents" to PainTrain! Hahahaha! I agree with the article completely. Now only to play GW2 and find out for ourselves how well put together the game truly is. I highly doubt GW2 will be a letdown like…