wow thanks for the amazing reply..wish there was a rep system so ican rep you ^^
again a question on the whole game is open pvp? or just certain end game zones.. i love the feeling of a possible person stalking and lurking on you for a gank…
thanks for the reply...i was also wondering is there a ganking problem in the game is there a null sec area where you can be ganked without notice..and how's the end game
kk so you guys are pretty much saying people from good clans still do dickish things like people in bad clans can still be mother teresas but wouldn't that make you an outcast for that school? im talking about good clans since they get punishment po…
burh this happens like almost 1/2 to got some rally bad scrubs who are obviously trolling or think this game is like CoD and don't know the concept of falling back or not extending too much
Originally posted by Adzija Ah yea..forgot to post what I will do when I hit 80 so here is the list:
-Explore areas I missed
-Do DE's that I like and ones I find while exploring
-Try to get the gear I like that looks best for me
single player game like swtor? man swtor was soo easy..there really was no point in grouping but i feel TSW forces me to group EVERY SINGE is pretty tough if your not into the whole deck calculation and optimiztion so having buddy to pla…
Originally posted by qombi People should support companies like Runic Games, not the money hungry garbage companies like Blizzard (Activision).
Torchlight 2 - You buy it for $20 dollars you own it! Wow what a concept! You get your game, you can pl…
both repop and pathfinder have great ideas but to me if i was to invest in a game it would have to be repop...the hardest part is to convert your ideas into a practical game. repop is halfway there but i havent seen anything from pathfinder..i'm not…
Im really excited for repop but thats about it...repop is the only kickstarter mmo where the developers are releasing progress videos...i have no i dea how pathfinder got 300k...with no graphics..smhhh