You don't have to use staves. I have one character that's a Sorcerer but wears heavy armor and double handed sword. Is it harder? maybe. but that's what I want that character to be.
You don't actually have to have two different kind of weapons …
Gorwe said:
Torval said:
MisterZebub said:
Phry said:
dred45 said:
The game is not f2p
Welcome to the Forums, and as your first post is short and without any kind of elucidating argument to supp…
RadixMalorum said:
nariusseldon said:
sadly (to borrow your line) nobody who posts here at MMORPG cares to know what those titles are or cares to try them out in …
Well I don't actually get on my knees because I'm pushing 50, my back hurts and I'd have trouble getting back up again. And I don't pray because of the alarm and confusion that would cause on the receiving end, but you get my drift.
I will say, how…
nariusseldon said:
sadly (to borrow your line) nobody who posts here at MMORPG cares to know what those titles are or cares to try them out in hopes that it might help them.
Normally that would …
I played the hell out of Morrowind when it came out in 2002ish and for a long time after that. I loved it. I bought the Expansion in ESO and .. when I got off the boat in Seyda Neen I was floored. When I got to Vivec city.. I was floored.. Balmora, …
Oh I have every intention of playing it, I just think the attempt is going to fail. I want it to succeed, I really do, but I think it's too little, too late. and you're not the only Lifetimer playing the Beta.
postlarval said:
FlyByKnight said:
If you think those strafing animations (among others) aren't ridiculous you are aesthetically tone deaf.
TSWs WHOLE draw was the story, awesome and layered quests, and the dungeon mechanics. Building…
Forgrimm said:
RadixMalorum said:
Everywhere I go I run into people, even the most remote parts of the ocean.
What I don't get is the point the OP is trying to make? I should only play a game if it's the most popular? guess I should …
Everywhere I go I run into people, even the most remote parts of the ocean.
What I don't get is the point the OP is trying to make? I should only play a game if it's the most popular? guess I should go eat the crap at McDonalds now too, because, y…
klash2def said:
this is the direction they need to take EVE online. When Elite Dangerous was in development I was saying how great EVE would be in that style of space sim.
imo CCP should rethink EVE Online.. it could be so much more:
alancode said:
I want to love this game. I cannot. I can't play a game where the costumes and outfits that you can purchase are so much better looking than the ones you can craft or earn in the game, I just cannot do it. I LOATHE cash shops UGH…
DMKano said:
just like the huge desert, this will be laregely untouched by players grinding Sausans and Pirates.
I'm ok with that. It's nice that players that want to grind can go grind and people that want to explore can go explor…
The Secret World with better combat, character faces that had noses, lips and jaws that look like they belong on a human being, more sandbox like features, and way fewer Ak'abs
all I could find was translated to "Arrows of the Gods"...
I moved BDO to my SSD drive and the pop-in problem went away (unless you're doing S:Instant Accel on a tier 8 horse, then buh bye everything). That tells me they're loading textures from the harddrive 'just in time' which translates to 'not in time'…