I thought id reply since I just built my new gaming PC over the last few weeks and my budget was around $6-700. Keep in mind i did look for deals over the course of 2 weeks on newegg/tigerdirect so I got my system about $100-150 cheaper then what yo…
If anyone has a extra NA referall code id gladly take it! Im coming from SWTOR and the lack of content has been killing me lately, im kind of against Wildstars graphics but if it grows on me id definitely buy the game. Id really appreciate it!
Also if you start a character on The Harbinger server (biggest PvE server, for raids/flashpoints and all) I wouldn't mind sending you several 100k for whatever you need.
Just a random question. Even if you manage to swap out the early access code that you need, wont you also need to swap out the game registration code once it goes live?
Also, does anyone know is Square Enix support is going to be doing region ch…
Id say give star trek online a try! I was in the same boat as you, not having a MMO to play but im really enjoying STO right now. Theres your typical ground combat, think star wars but with 4 companions instead of 1, and theres space combat like EVE…
Originally posted by zhaldor
35% Tax, so thats 7500 in your pocket. IRS will get it off the top.
Its your 1st post, and your math is wrong on top of that. Stay lurking my friend
Thanks alot for the input guys!
I actaully tried out vanguard a couple weeks ago and it was a pretty decent game, I didnt know it had player housing though, hows the crafting in the game and how is the community at the later levels? Right now im…
Originally posted by Psychow Why don't you guys pick up a good RPG on the Steam sale. Sounds like you're bored of MMO's for the moment, so why not switch gears?
My Steam library is pretty stacked up already with games from previous sales. Plus a…
Originally posted by Fuggly I am in the same boat, been gaming online for over 13 years. Bored as hell with games atm. I had been into MOBA games, but no matter how many shiny new characters they keep pumping out, every match is the same old thing w…
If anyone has a spare TSW key, ill gladly give this game a try! 10 year + MMO player and if I decide to buy it, I wouldnt mind joining your guild either if you need a good dedicated player.
I'm a player on a high population PvP Server - Seacrest. Heres a link for a 7 day trial for free, I can help you out with any questions too. If you like the game, get it for $10 at Gamestop!
You should make a poll asking when people are gonna get the game - preordered and excited, preordered but thinking of canceling, waiting a couple months...etc
I just joined the game and its looking pretty fun. I used to play earth & Beyond a long time ago and i loved that game, hopefully this could fill that empty hole ive had in my heart ever since that game closed down. My ingame name is Goodiebag.