The part where I said the American attitude to things is true. It is not directed at every average American hence the part where I said "and it doesn't wash with most Americans now either". The real point of that issue is name one American businessm…
Who mentioned hate? I don't hate many people - certainly not a games company. That cleared up - it's not about screwing something up - everyone does that, it's screwing EVERYTHING up. Name an EA game that is worth the money?
Reason EA gets the mo…
Fleet battles are available to everyone, provided your hungry enough to get in one. Just join a big time PvP corp and before you know it you'll be engaging in some large thrilling battles. Personally I prefer smaller engagements. Because I use 56k a…
Try removing the whole game from your computer and redownloading the full client. If you have broadband it should only take about 30 minutes at the most. One point to note though, make sure your downloading a file that is around 550-600MB and not a…
Hey guys dont diss courier missions too much they keep the wheels of the EVE industry turning. Some scammers are out there no doubts but just be careful who you take deals from. The trouble with courier missions is that if you want to transport mine…
My advice would be to join a corporation that helps newbies out. Because EVE has a steep learning curve this is always a good thing to do, you don;t have to stay with them forever but until you know the basics etc, try it out.
Just curious as to why you would want to get your kid hooked on a game? I mean don't get me wrong these games are educational, require many thought processes etc but I would say everything in moderation. These games are incredibly good in moderation…
The number of games EA has made well I can count in one hand. For such a big company they don't seem to produce quality it is getting more and more a case of, oh we're EA - people will buy it anyway. I know this is an MMORPG forum however I want to …
If he was in MOO rest assured he was a bad man. Stav Exodus makes the game so much better believe me and that's what I like about Eve, they add and improve, basically because the devs are enthusiasts rather than just out to make money. Exodus had a…