wel personelly i went warlock because they have cool spells and because they can use swords and wands for melee attacks. Unlike a mage witch can only use a wand offensive , defensive and arcane spells.
A paladin is good for melee attacks and knows …
yeah the communication is very good in wow.
Also i think that there are many friendly players , until now everyone acts real friendly i have yet to incounter an unfriendly player.
the grouping i enjoy the most , going into battle with a comerade i …
come on guys i need that radeonx800pro too . my pc right now is totally whorthles in its pressent state . its parts are 5 years old im replacing some of the parts but that radeon x800pro is my only reason to exist right now.please anyone who reads …
i think you are not paranoid but just telling the truth . Most players are paladins but why
is it because they dont know any better.
or it could be that its an atractive class .
if theres a paladin reading this would you mind telling us why you be…