Originally posted by Paragus1
Final Fantasy XI
Yes! FFXI is what you are looking for. Past level 8-10 you will be parting all night long grinding on mobs at XP camps. Basically play the whole game with out ever doing one quest.
You probably are talking about the noob starter zone. That place might have one other person but once you get teleported to the main world there is a million people. Unless you started on a dead server.
Yeah FFXI is very much an "Old School" MMORPG. If you grew up playing EQ then you would probably understand FFXI but if not, FFXIV would be the modern group focused game.
I've got a few lvl 20's+ on FFXIV, I do believe the game is getting b…
FFXI is still very populated but mostly at end game. You can still find party's at the lower lvls but maybe not quite as often as you could back in the day. Once you get to the 20+ range you can find party's pretty quick though and the xp has been…
I love this game in all aspect but you made me laugh (OP). You write well and I found myself laughing about some of your combat discriptions. You are very right in how you described the game.
If I can only remind you, seeing how you have past e…