I'm downloading the Trial of The Aisle right now. If it's any good I'll probabily stick with EQII. It sounds like a good game from some reviews I've read.
Is there ever any Player Ran events in the game? I remember in Ultima Online there woul…
I plan on upgrading here soon. But what do you guys think I should get? Another 512 of ram + a videocard with atleast 256 on it? I'm not going to need to upgrade my ghz or anything am I? Just ram & videocard?
No kidding. I loved in UO how you could be a carpenter, blacksmith, miner, chef, fisherman etc. That stuff might sound boring compared to slaying dragons, but it was great when you got tired of doing that stuff. And UO has by far the best PvP I'v…
Ahh, so I'm not the only person with these problems. I've tried AO before. And it is a great game, but I got tired of it after awhile. I guess all I can do is wait until that next great game comes out. If I wouldn't have been exposed to the PvP …