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  • That didn't ruin anything in my opinion. Brent's been through a lot and he was explaining why it's taking so long for him, there's nothing wrong with that. It's not because he's been too lazy sitting on his arse the whole time but because he was in …
  • DUCKY!!! Come play ul to keep yourself entertained for the time being, I miss the monkey
  • DUCKY!!! Come play ul to keep yourself entertained for the time being, I miss the monkey
  • I posted on another thread, but there are a few threads going on in the UL forums on ideas to save the game and raising money. So if you don't read them, I suggest hopping over there to. Just have to muddle through the other posts not exactly related
  • There are some posts up on the UL forums if anyone doesn't usually look at those as well, in regards to saving UL but also raising money for Rec.
  • http://www.underlight.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?s=&threadid=24227 Logs from the chat on the UL forums.
  • I'll be at a graduation, so won't make it either. If there is a post for logs, it would be appreciated...or some shortened version, cause reading logs for most things gives me a headache
  • Pessimists Opstimism I say They all have lives, I trust they're working on the game as much as they can. Eye candy and teasers are good, but I'd rather they focus on the game instead of worrying about posting teasers for us.
    in Howdiness Comment by selika June 2005
  • I like the idea, and I can just picture some little midget fidgeting with a lock trying to pick it...sitting in a corner, eyes squinted, tongue sticking out in concentration... Okie yea, I like the idea  Both good and bad points, but if someone we…
  • When I started playing UL, you could say I was immature and played my character like playing dolls, but I was young. Now I just laugh at it. If someone wants to play that way, whatever, they're paying to play how they want to and no one is twisting …
  • I like a place to make me think creatively, so much better than thinking for school
    in Nice'un Comment by selika June 2005
  • I've never figured out the key behind the maren in UL, but once you use a lot of the words, they're easy to remember.
    in Maren Comment by selika June 2005
  • Nirvana is supposed to be like heaven I guess, though there have been char's that have said they went and couldn't stay, and char's that were brought back from Nirvana like the seneschals in GoE. But if it were a City/community, it could be purely p…
  • Character names that have been dreamstruck shouldn't be in Rec
  • When I saw the name Iago, I thought of the parrot off of Aladin
  • Seperate servers being seperate Cities, or something like that. In UL, there was the Overlight, Nirvana, and Arret, and one other that I remember hearing about. Though some of them have belief affiliations, being able to move to another City, like A…
  • Planning out things in advance can be a disappointment if it doesn't go your way. You can't read how others are going to react to actions, this even goes for those who might have agreed beforehand...you won't get everyone in the game to agree. Even …
  • Not sure, but it would be nice if there was some kind of system to maren in Rec. I don't think there is one in UL, but I'm bad at picking out things like that. It seems more just gibberish (sometimes I wonder if they were drunk or just like to hit r…
    in Maren Comment by selika June 2005
  • I really like the image of the room that looks like it has a spider web in it