Trial does not include Moria stuff or the 2 new classes. Lotro is much more about a fantastic immersion into the lore behind the game. Especially with the moria expansion you get lots of stories and events that is simply unmatched in any other gam…
I'm glad that they extended the release date, because after being in BETA, it needs work and was not ready to be released this year. I hope it does well, but I have to say I was dissapointed actually playing the game.
Using fileplanet sucks to download the client. It "estimated" my waiting time to even start the download at 30 minutes and its been over an hour. First strike against the games distribution methods.
I can't believe your complaining about the graphics of Vanguard. It was some of the best out there depending on what your computer can handle. There are a few graphical bugs here and there, and some areas are more "polished" than others, but i'd h…
I played this game for a while, and it is fantastic. I was on Landroval server and I didn't have an issue with chat. Especially once you make it to Bree. The dwarve area was definitely the slowest and least populated, but I found the shire to be …
Agreed, Jadur is very wrong. You can solo your way to 50 no problem. You do miss some great content, but its also something you can go back and solo 1/2 of it when you are higher. I play a burglur as my main and I like it solo'ing better than my …
I suggest LOTRO. There are many options in gameplay from fellowship (parties) to solo questing to grinding thru kills. I think the community is very friendly and inviting. I used to play FFXI and WoW and have left them for LOTRO and enjoy its pac…
I have been following as much as I can find out about this game for over 7 months now and since the new take over, the information I can track down and here from others is that the game will not be fully released for 1.5 yrs or more. Sorry