Aeander said:
Also, can we stop pretending that Steam is the sole driving force behind indie and AA game development?
Anyone who played games on Nintendo handhelds would know that the DS/3DS were the refuge for smaller development studios to…
rodarin said:
rojoArcueid said:
rodarin said:
I remember the warnings of possible epileptic seizures now games are therapy. Not sure if I buy it or not.
I may be wrong but the epileptic seizures aren't caus…
Being funny isn't just about reading a script it's about delivery, and I've always liked Jack Black's delivery. So yes, I subscribed because I like Jack Black not because I think this channel's going to be epic or anything like that.
Wizardry said:
So Steam=less than 2 hours you get a refund.NO support for games.That is it that is all.20-30% take is garbage.
Steam is just the distributor of games. What kind of support do you expect from them?
I thought the Steam boxes were a great idea, but, as Quizzical said, when they were put out there weren't any good APU options out at the time, but now I think companies are looking at how bad the Steam boxes failed and are too scared to venture out…
nahilupvp said:
Well I am SERIOUSLY glad to hear HONESTLY that you guys have REAL FUN playing those games.
They are not for me.
A game Model should not Intervene with the FUN of the game and for me it does.
It does when I beat my ASS 60 hour…
Quizzical said:
Ridelynn said:
Spare 120mm case fans + Zip Ties = Done. That's my redneck recommendation.
No duct tape? I've fixed my computer with duct tape.
I think my co-worker did the same thing when his GPU fan went…
klash2def said:I literally said Uber isnt the same as other Taxi Services. That means, I realize and recognize there are differences between Uber and Traditional taxi. You have selective reading..
It's still a taxi, you didnt prove anything lol..
klash2def said:
Bro.. you do realize that in WoW you are being ported into a instance with a small group of people also. Its not 1000s of people running around freely EVER in any mmo at any time.
Also the same way you get to a raid or mission …
klash2def said:
KyutaSyuko said:
klash2def said:
MMO: Raids, Quests, Custom Avatar, Dungeons, Group Content, PVP, Open World, Access to 1000s people, ONLINE ONLY EXPERIENCE (( MMO NEEDS ALL OF THESE AT LEAST ))
Except tha…
klash2def said:
MMO: Raids, Quests, Custom Avatar, Dungeons, Group Content, PVP, Open World, Access to 1000s people, ONLINE ONLY EXPERIENCE (( MMO NEEDS ALL OF THESE AT LEAST ))
Except that you don't have access to thousands of people in D…
klash2def said:
KyutaSyuko said:
klash2def said:
Destiny has a shared world space. Raids, Loots, Dailies, Heroics in a 100% online experience. Thats a MMO! The old dinosaur people are the real reason the mmo market is stagnant…
klash2def said:
Destiny has a shared world space. Raids, Loots, Dailies, Heroics in a 100% online experience. Thats a MMO! The old dinosaur people are the real reason the mmo market is stagnant! Let it grow! Stop resisting it and lets embrace i…
I've got to agree with MadFrenchie in that with the term MMO it's referring to what the game is designed to handle vs what is actually there. Most MMOs that fail at being MMOs don't generally last very long.