Because they Have children playing them. in fact i think its the majority of the sales is children. Look for one that does not have a mmo game not theme towards tildran children. good luck too
You can say that about Ultima online but the thing is, is that non asain markets have a totaly differnt opinion on pvp and asian markets dont mind it , it's a deal with it attitude. Us non asian market is like " well i hate my stuff being taken and…
good thing i always choose name that no one seems to ever pick like "chestpoop" "hold my feces"
aborted fetus and "the fellas guy" wich none are on rift
Auto this Auto that dont even have to play the game what is the world coming to and ppl are paying for item mall stuff....the makers of this game are geniuses ....... not saying its a good game or not just wtf
its funniest when ppl want a unique experience and then ask it to mimic real life... i am all for artist description on what his mind thinks is human.... let me create the characters and my mind would make something that some may like and most do…
its funniest when ppl want a unique experience and then ask it to mimic real life... i am all for artist description on what his mind thinks is human.... let me create the characters and my mind would make something that some may like and most do…
i think the game does not hold your hand what so ever thru the game.. it makes you group up even to obtain good or a good amount of matts....ever play the old style you op .... if you have then your statement about you died more time in ff then all…
I would go OMG..... If there was Thievery stealth and hiding... if one steal from another player i would leave every other game and play it and pay as much as i can.Was hopping Eso would do thievery but it to looks like it going to be a time waste…