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Free2Play ad Buy2Play kids can cry some more, I am actually having quite good fun reading this topic.
Thanks for your answer.
If I udnerstand rigjt, to create a Paladin, I will need to have my character leveled to level 30 as gladiator, and to level 15 as Conjurer.
So, I can have ONE character, and he will actually have different levels at d…
Exactly TBH it makes far much more fu sense to allow us to pick the faction we fight for, british born citizens going all alqaeda ect. why cant we pick, an TES game is about choice, not limiting us to play factions/races we dont want or like just to…
They actually already explained why the Alliances were created, and why the races joined.
It makes sense, at least lore-wide, and I am saying this as long-time Roleplayer. You, of course, cant join, for example Daggerfall Covenant as an Elf, bec…
I am laughing so hard.
Now you´re complaining that you cant play with your friend, if you pick different races in different factions. In WoW, if you want to playan Orc, and your friend a Human, then you wont play together either.
Its nice h…