yes engineer is really good, Flamethrower is badass, abolutely perfect for defending against sieges ,standing behind the castle door and lettem have it s hilarious, Net turret is also perfect for runers or for a good escape, The rocket boots also a …
WHy the Hell would anyone complain about not being able to sit in chairs??????? WTF If anything it was more of a pissoff all the inactive people ingame while trying to compete in W v W !!! Not only that but the way WvW servers are balanced makes no …
As a level 60 witch doctor stuck on Belial on Inferno Heres my review of the game
Graphics: 3 poor. For a new release game backed by the richest game company in the world its pretty pathetic it would be released on Direct x 9 engine with no u…
They never advertised Beta weekends once in a while, They advertised access to Beta weekends i guess thats what through me off. Either way I was going to buy the game and i know it will be awsome when it comes out. Just wish i could get in there mor…
I was also fooled when they advertised beta weekends, that it was going to be every weekend. I have played several betas that they patch while betas running and bring down servers for a few hours here and there and thats all. Either was glad to hea…
So i noticed upon installing and playing the game early this morning.... WTF HAPPENED TO THE ULTRA GRAPHICS SETTINGS???? the beta had Ultra graphics setting for shadows, i figured there would be an ultra graphics setting for everything in full game …
I would have like to have seen better finishing moves. and a lockout so first person who clicks it gets it not 10 guys all huddling around to do the same finishing moves.
hmm im confused.... The countdown on the guildwars 2 website is done and it says beta is low live but I cant login. The beta invite email says noon PST not EST so did they screw up on the website and do a wrong countdown or screw up on the email and…
cant wait. i am prolly the most diehard GW2 Fan in here. built a custom gaming pc just for todays first experience! played guildwars 1 off an on for its entire 7 years. wow how time flies. ill see you all ingame dudes and dudettes. Ill be rolling wi…