I like this idea. Like a POB ship. Perhaps the player characters would have better stats and it would enhance the community as you could fight with your friends.
Letting SOE have and work on this game is not a good thing and having played swg it is ahrd for me to imagine that a company can run a game worse tha SOE. This game definitley has the potential to be a ggreat game and looks interesting but it looks…
I agree with the smuggler mission and bounites on the failed smugglers.
To mix up the bounty hunter regimine a suggestion would be to give the different neutral faction or the smuggling rings (like jabba, cobral, nym, valarien, theres alot of them…
We have a small guild on the Chilastra server thats looking for more people from all walks of life. We form a tight knit community in a little village on Rori. If anyone is interested thay can email me on the game @ Numenesse. The guild is entitl…
i thought that the movie was an excellent star wars movie (meaning that that acting and script may have been suspect, but overall it was quite wonderful).