The starting ship for Japan is not the Kawachi its the Hashidate. Kawachi is a tier 3 Battleship for IJN. I played the closed beta 1500+ games, open beta launch 1000+ games. The game is a great game its young fun and full of growth to come. It does …
Its class switching ability makes it a very versatile game. Allowing players to diversify their experiences with different classes during game play makes the game more enjoyable. 213
If its choices then let us switch the Main Classes! You can not offer 6 class variations then ask us to at lvl 10 make a life long commitment to 3 on one side.
Lost sight? Well in unfashionable down trot....Roots?
Need = to be better than or greater than
Time = limit
Gear = Time
Gear = Money Market
(I make A LOT of $$$ on this)
Items = gear
Gear = Dungeons for + Gear and benefits to get chance…
To be honest what we need is nothing new. We need Exceptional without the Swtor FTP model and the FTP experience. A REAL SANDBOX and honestly a game that makes the word "Fun" real.
People that die from lag are the same people who blow themselves up at the gas pump with flammable objects. Its a occurrence that happens to all. The only difference is we learn to fix or stream line the options of what we have to fit the needs o…
Its simple really. Skyrim was what everyone including myself thought of and wished for in a online sense. They knew the great expectations that awaited them outside of Skyrim. They fell way short on more than internet connections, the in ability …
Played WOT 11K battles and this is the common complaint is Gold rounds/tanks etc etc. I true master of gaming never uses excuses to loose. It is what it is. You either but in the time to be great or do not. I played closed beta WOT, closed Alpha WOP…
Because people want sympathy for the "modern" sickness of our time: "I am not responsible for my own actions"
People make choices but because their expectations of what should be is is not the perceived reality they want to believe that what …