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  • Originally posted by boboslave Blizzard's attitude is a rather odd one really, they play on the 'don't be harsh on us it's our first MMO, we are learning' line and yet ignore their playerbase which have had at times more experience at least pla…
  • First, the Simu forums are the worst part of Simu in my opinion. I've been in GS for three years now and I still have issues following them. I'm one of the ones that's complained about them repeatedly. I'm hoping they realize that when HJ goes live,…
  • Also, as an avid player of GSIV, I highly doubt there will be a lack of Lore. GS is rich with it. Might take some time, but I doubt we'll be bored and run through it all in a few months.
  • Quick question...Will this be a boxed item we buy at a store or something we can download, like the other Simu games? I'm assuming graphics will be too much to download in any reasonable amount of time.  Lets just hope my local Walmart has figured o…
  • Originally posted by Orcc As for animations, I think UXO had some cool animations for their creatures, for example the Zombie slaps a musqitoe that landed on him and proceeds to eat it. Or a metal Golem doing The Robot.   Some idle animations... h…
  • Just in case anyone cares, I'd soooo love to see a purely non-combative option, such as healer or trader.
  • Hm, well, I'm a bit disappointed about the last names issue, but its understandable I guess. Maybe make it so that you register in with two names and neither can be taken by anyone else unless you share them like you can in gs? That way if you wante…
  • On another note, I'd like to see the crafting skills be sort of in between how they are in WoW and how they are in GS.  In GS, forging a weapon takes practice and lots of it. In WoW you basically pay your trainer to suddenly advance in your training…
  • Just my personal opinion on the exp thing.... I've played GSIV for awhile now...LOVE IT...Played WoW for a few weeks...eh, serves more as a break from GS than anything.... In any case, this is my opinion on experience...I love the ability to gai…
  • I played GS3 back in late 95 and most of 96.  I too remember the high fees. Definitely at least $200/mo...usually more like $500.  I quit for 8 years for a variety of reasons, mainly that the man that is now my husband claimed I spent too much time …