The reason I asked the questions myself is I feel that showing examples of what I did not want occuring and relating them to past experiences in the game better allowed everyone to understand where I was coming from. I also understand that everyone…
Originally posted by necbone
i'm looking forward to DnL, tabula rasa, and basically anything else i can play...
Finally, someone else mentioning DnL. I've been in the MMOG crowd for about 5 and 1/2 years nows and I've played most of the major…
Simply put :
WoW's current state = The game had potential - until Blizzard killed it by... well, exsisting.
If SOE bought out WoW = The game would still have the potential, but would be turned into an uninhabitable wasteland of bugs, incorrect …
Just throwing my 2 cents in for what it's worth.
Note: These are not in any specific order and are only my personal opinions.
Graphics - This is a major, but not defining aspect of a good MMORPG. The graphics, IMHO, need to be realistic (n…
My problem(s) with WoW was the fact that no matter what I did, there was always a boring atmosphere to it. I couldn't explain it. Everywhere I went, anything I did, it either seemed repetative or like I had done it before. Overall, I think it's a…
For all those who are questioning coming back because of CC "ruining" the game, BFR's can be taken out with 1 person with Deci's and jammers (with skill). More than one = BFR has no chance. Cave fights are a lot of fun since it's a change of scene…
Like the previous posts, some of the screens shots are older and have been improved since they were taken. Not only that, this is only the beta settings and still could be improved for retail. I have high hopes for this game, and with all the featu…
I'm surprised that so many other people feel that this game has pretty much EVERYTHING they've wanted in a game. That's how I felt when I first read DnL. As long as the dev. team does a thurough job and doesn't rush it into retail, the wait will b…
LOL, well put, blacksac. Well put, indeed. I really hope to introduce this game to some of my friends and see how fast they're anticipating the arrival.
I started WoW 2 days after release and played for about a month before I started to lose interest (about the time I was hitting 40, since I was more into community and exploration than hardcore leveling). Overall, it's a pretty good game once you g…