on USKO?!
...dude we'r not even on KE yet (knight empire).....some rumors say that mite be implemented in late agugust....theeeeen...(after ages i bet) tehy will start thinking about KA...
i u wanna play KA jsut go in MYKO....
gimme a pm sometimes so w ecan have a chat and we'll see what we can do!
My clan is The_professionals all lvl 55~ and we are all english speaking! no turks in our clan!....it's a small but extremely active clan so dunt worry!
...u can normally se…
There is also another horrtible way to get rid of the ppl u dont really cope with (Ksing or worse) which is to lure on them the biggest monsters u see around... i know it's not a nice thing to do ....yet even if they dont die they usually get the po…
In breth u tp to bellua and tehn to linate...
then from linate u walk towards haungas and up the hill on the left
once on top of the hill u see a pond....jsu twalk towards there and u'll find plenty Goblins!
ok.....i playhed for 1 year on MY KO and started alike a month ago USKO...
difference i ....GREAT...
myko they are 2 expansions ahead of USKo....to give u a quick impression....MYkoare on patch 1303 ...usko 1282....
main difference is KA really..…
mmmhh....ok.....first u want to max ur skill points in one...then u may start pumping the other (as u get 2 slill pts per lvl and cant put more skill pts then ur actual lvl! )
tehn ....sinceur a paper mage....forget about intel....jsut puimp the he…