Thanks for the tips, im going to try out both lotro and vanguard.
Ya pvp isnt needed, but just would be nice. My favorite moments in mmo's were in world of warcraft during the end of the wotlk xpac when I was leading and main assisting multi rai…
Each kind of ai has it's place in a game. A smart ai would be good on fights with mobs that don't hit hard so each class can take a couple hits but not necessarily die. If you have a smart ai on a giant dragon fight you are going to die.... Kinda li…
All of those companies should make one game...
Not to mention if blizzard isn't involved simply because their the biggest mmorpg company, does this panel even mean anything?
Here's my 2 cents, enjoy.
Before I start, i play eve, i play wow, and several steam games, have tried several mmo's and stuff, typical gamer maybe.
Now, just because there's more downtime doesnt automatically = a bad game. With Eve its li…