alkarionlog said:
can be popular? dude is path of exile popular? diablo3? I hardly find people who will quit any of these 2 to play another same thing again, it will be a niche game at the best, and trion fame are putting people off even more.
balmung is in no way bad for new players, when i downloaded and started playing i was on jenova, no fate parties, server seemed dead, blah right? did some research gilgamesh, balmung, and one other server had a great population, In the end i chose B…
Hey there, me and some friends just recently got into the game, we had to make chrs, then transfer to the server: Balmung is a very popluated server, always find a party to do something, if you find yourself on balmung give me a tell ingame name …
he was a asshat while he worked for blizzard, sarcastic, and overall just didn't care for the community, why carbine would bring him in, is anyone's guess. They might be trying to lose more of their fan base.
been playing HoTS for awhile now, during closed til now casually, getting the gold to unlock champions is not hard at all, from the gold you get from your account level you unlock gold, individual hero levels you unlock gold, doing daily quests you …
Hell ya, it might be me, but I've always enjoyed launches of games, only to see them catered to casual kids, who want to dumb down the difficulty and accept shit for expansions. Loved vanilla wow, rest of wow was shit, same goes for many games, GREA…