From DirtySteve. "...I fully agree, if they are running out of money that is one thing. But when I discovered IO in the middle of summer, all they told us was "It will be released when its ready! We wont betray the fans by releasing something premat…
I agree the MHS will have to pull off a miracle for the release, but seriously, those who say they've beta'd it and its horrible, play for more then just a few days :P If you go onto the forums, you can figure out how to beat the FPS problem and sim…
- Oh, and typing your garbage in ALL CAPS doesn't make you any more correct, threatening, or scary. It only makes you rude and obnoxious. Combine that with your logic and you are out of the park when it comes to sanity and intelligence.
There is ac…
This thread is based on fallacy. First of all, there have been absolutely zero reports from beta testers of any kind of virus on their computer related to Irth Online or the patcher. Second of all, the lead Developer in charge of issuing and uploadi…