Afterworld is currently recruiting all races and careers and our most wanted careers are currently zealot and shaman. Visit our site, check it out and sign up, or just pop onto the forums to discuss WAR with us.
Originally posted by aionowns
lol I look forward to massacring you guys on the battlefield. Sanctuary FTW!
As do many other guilds, my suggestion to you is to make sure you roll on a different server and set more realistic goals for yourself…
We have completely redesigned our website and forums in preparation for the games launch (which was actually delayed again, but now gives us more time to prepare) We haven't been recruiting for nearly 4 months now but are opening our recruiting thr…
Yea it's a double post, but it's been weeks.
After World is seeing more and more members picked for beta with each announcement, Khyber just redisigned the site and it is looking pretty good.
If you are looking to join a US destruction pre-launc…
After World is set up in beta now, we are still recruiting new members and Khyber set up a vent server much sooner than he had planned, so come check out After World if you are looking for an organized destruction guild to join pre-release.
Ok, so you are mad that you got accepted into the guild promptly after filling out a "membership application", something you dont have to fill out to simply check out the forums and read through the discussions before making your decision? Thats li…
Originally posted by Mentose
This thread was dead. Was there a reason you made a new account here so you could bump it by repeating something that your ZERG members have said 100 times here already? Don't call your ZERG a guild. It is an insult t…
Well, thats completely understandable and we appreciate you making a statement to clarify your position on the dispute.
Back to After World
We are improving the website design and it is looking pretty good I must say, were adding some func…
Over the past 3 days, alot of drama has surrounded this thread, accusations were made about the guild leader and its members, the thread was locked and members were banned. I just want to say that appologies have been made to After World by the MMO…
Again you make assumptions, I figured you would have learned to think before you started typing by now. Did you just read the parts of their forums that you thought would make your case sound better? People werent on the forums "as much" because o…
Kelsonmac, you are a sad individual, all you had to do is contact Khyber by email about that and he would have told you that you clicked on the wrong link. There has never been a problem with those links on the registration and we have 220 register…
Im sure the guys at didnt want lies spread about them either, but you chose to make those false claims rather than post in the registration support thread or contact the forum admin using the email address given, which is kh…
Originally posted by callmetoby
Well yes, in answer to your question, I did visit the site. I found a ridiculously large shoutbox, ten expandable news items that don't work on either browser I attempt to use, weather reports, a member map, a numbe…
Not a problem, also, come check out our leadership structure.
Khyber, being in numerous guilds over the past few years has noticed one major flaw with all of them, the leadership structure that every guild uses. He has designed the leadership str…
The after world forums will be back online tonight (11-14-06, 7-8 EST). Khyber just shot me an email saying the problem was fixed and he will have the site back online when he gets off work.
He wants to thank all the applicants who have stayed pa…
What I mean is, the point in Warhammer is to destroy your opponents capitol city through a series of scenarios. When I say winning the war, I am refering to it as we will be the ones attacking our opponents capitols, not defending our own all the t…
Huxley looks like the next great MMO, new concept or atleast a better implementation of it than PS. No mindnumbimg level grinding, its based on a players skill rather than his level and gear. Huxley will be stealing members from many of the curren…