Originally posted by xzyax Originally posted by Badaboom Originally posted by Deerhunter71
Population is OK but nowhere near the originial NA launch for example. I was on a clanmate's alt and rode all the way from Orc to far South Alfar lan…
I love the prowess system, gives you something to actively do; and everything helps either you, your friends, and your guildmates. And then exploring the world of Agon maybe the funnest part i've had so far. FInd a player or group of players, surpri…
Originally posted by PeyoteDream Originally posted by Consensus Originally posted by dekon
But why does this game get so much shit from the MMO community?
Because most the MMO community want auto attack combat you can play with 1 hand, a…
Originally posted by xpiher Originally posted by dekon
I personally havn't seen much attention lately from this game nor do i play it. However, when i think of this game, I think of how much flak and criticism it gets. But then i have seen some …
Yes, all i hear is how bad Adventurine is at updating and giving feedback to their community. However, how are they now? I've just heard of new updates into the game like the Prowess system and the Primalist class. From what i've seen, they're gaini…
Originally posted by Dan3099
The combat feel isn't very fun due to slowness, unnecessary turn animations, and high cost of abilities (meaning less action before you need to get out of battle and rest)
From what i've seen from streams, there are mi…
No. Kidnapping will just make players mad and irritated, especially for this type of game.
No. Shops and gaining exp when your logged off just encourages laziness. I woudln't want to play in a world where its just cities with a bunch of Player NPCs…
I find the game rather boring. Seems like a more fantasy version of Vindictus. I hate animation locking and with the constant just holding down my right click, granted the game is going to free to play right? just not worth my time.
OK WTH! IVE BEEN WAITING FOR LIKE 3 HOURS, i know their having lag... but wth is their servers on? 56k?!!! anyone else having these problems with the email verification?