ok, well, i dont care if its a year old or 20 years old,but i just wanted to kno wat u guys had against macs...i have both a mac and a PC so i WOULD kno the difference, unlike u retards who just make assumptions. I mean, who even asked ur opinions o…
Ok great. I really appreciate that u stayed on topic and tried to help me out. Ur one of the few ppl who actually care not to spam forums for nothing and just waste other ppl's time. Thank you.
WTF?! What is it with everyone and not liking Macs. I have both a Windows PC and Mac, and I can safley say they are both good in their own ways. The thing is that since Windows is more widley used, and Mac isnt, there arn't as many application and …
Its really sad, tho, how ppl think that Mac's are not good. I'll let u guys kno that the fastest computer on the market, that has not been Souped up or modified is the Macintosh G5, which I have. Its amazingly fast and has a great graphics card. Its…
Yea, im working on some stuff of my own on my mac with editing. But since I have a G5 processordesktop and a laptop G4 and they are so fast, i think it would be cool to play an mmorpg. I played WoW and its so good on the Mac.
Thanx for ur suggesti…
I completley agree, but I was just thinking if I can get into a guild, i can get to kno the ppl, thus makin friends who are willing to help me and I can help them. Most ppl who make guilds dont try to get to kno the ppl in it, its just a bunch of pl…
Thanx a lot. Oh yea, btw, i know i posted this in the wrong forum, it was an accident. I was lookin at Lineage 2 and later when I came back to my comp, i forgot what category I was in and just posted in general discussion.
Anyway, thanx for the li…
I chose a Human Mage as my main account, which is pretty goood but not as good as my Night Elf Rogue in PVP. I just made that one and leveled up so quickly its not even funny. I couldnt believe how cool it was. I love the stealth mode and pick pocke…
Yea, just yesterday I tried to download a free trisl for Guild Wars and it didn't work because I am working on a Mac. I need to find free trials that work on a map. If anyone can help me with that, then that would be great! Anyway, thanx for your su…
Oh i understand. Thanx for telling me what it was. It looks like something I would want to do! I would love to test games b4 they come out, even if they are buggy.
Ok, well, I have been researching about MMORPG that fit my style and I came across something really important and abvious that I cant believe I forgot to mention. I am working in a Macintosh Computer so I need a game that can/is/or will be ported to…
Lol, i looked into City of heros and it looks to easy. I guess I said the wrong thing in my original post. I dont think WoW is too hard but I just think that its no fun in the beginning. I want a game thats fun from the beginnin to the end. Otherwis…
Lol, ok, i kno the caps was not necessary. Sorry. But another thing I want to say is that I HAVE seen the list and i am still reading through reviews but I thought I should get an opinion from someone who has played many MMORPGS or has found a good …