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  • jpedrote52 said: Quillim said: jpedrote52 said: Just a disclaimer, There is NO cash shop in any way shape or form, this has been confirmed by the devs. last comment by Kilsin, confirmed by Brad. https://www.pantheonmmo.com/c…
  • Nightbringe1 said: Simply zoning in to a dungeon could be an excellent way to die. Train to zone :P More like.... 'LOADING, PLEASE WAIT...' Sometimes you didn't even have the opportunity to see the call. Ahh yes.. those were the…
  • jpedrote52 said: Just a disclaimer, There is NO cash shop in any way shape or form, this has been confirmed by the devs. last comment by Kilsin, confirmed by Brad. https://www.pantheonmmo.com/content/forums/topic/2957/cash-shop-some-ideas-add…
  • postlarval said: Quillim said: I don't care what they say or tell you. I program for a living. You don't get that level of graphical tick exactness without using the same codebase and engine(new model skins, environments, and effects of co…
  • Nanfoodle said: Quillim said: Dullahan said: Pay no attention to mr trollolol. Nothing in unreal can't be done in unity. It's just that unreal is easier to make look good out of the box. That's all fine and good... but …
  • Dullahan said: Pay no attention to mr trollolol. Nothing in unreal can't be done in unity. It's just that unreal is easier to make look good out of the box. That's all fine and good... but what they are showing in their streams is the Ev…
  • BruceYee said: *snip* I used Garriot and Smedley as examples because they both used and relied on crowdfunding to develop and continue to develop their games. Garriot and Smedley were in charge of entire teams of developers in the pas…
  • Gyva02 said: Quillim said: Nanfoodle said: *snip* IMO thinking back to my Epic weapon quest in EQ1. I lost myself in that and SoE had me as a customer because of it. I think an MMO thats not designed for a cash shop will cha…
  • Honestly.. I see no problem with how its been done in EQ1 for a while. Each zone has sets of quests that give various amounts of xp and have you tour the zone. Finish all the quests and you get some sort of shiny. If you don't want the shiny or need…
  • hercules said: as an old time player i seen UI evolve from the drag to anywhere on screen UO to EQ style to WoW and beyond. If anything has certainly gone right with mmorpg its how UI evolved so doubt any newer mmorpg will ever go backwards on…
  • ste2000 said: I was reading Shroud of the Avatar review which in my view is pretty spot on (By the way congratulations on the reviewer, finally someone who makes real reviews instead of free advertisement). But I was more amused by the many use…
  • ZionBane said: *snip* Well, I can say, as an old EQ player, if Brad is foolish enough to try and put in the archaic method of spawn camping, his game is gonna sink faster then Speedy Gonzales. The mature players that were around dur…
  • ZionBane said: @svann  EQ1, (Everquest) is an iconic MMO, it's also an Archaic MMO. Modern MMO's have long since moved away from that idea of spawn camps and move to instance based dungeons, and I am sure, despite his being 'the Vision' behind…
  • Dvora said: postlarval said: Recore said: The graphics are not the problem.  Its the bland gameplay. Yeah, that gameplay made my eyes bleed. It looks like the graphics are the best part of the game. Sadly this …
  • Nanfoodle said: *snip* IMO thinking back to my Epic weapon quest in EQ1. I lost myself in that and SoE had me as a customer because of it. I think an MMO thats not designed for a cash shop will change how we play. I think we have forgotten wh…
  • Scumm said: I hate to wade back in to a topic we seem to have moved past, but I found the Gating/Locking/Progression conversation interesting.   I do think that in its current iteration, the acclimation system appears simple. The icy windblown…
  • As a player of EQ for many years, I can categorically say that if you give two pennies(particularly the faked-up pretty pictures in the Ashes footage) about graphics, you aren't the target demo for Pantheon and do not understand the appeal of the ty…
  • Originally posted by sethman75 Originally posted by Aztec Originally posted by Rimcy poetry! I love the grind, I hate quest leveling. It was the community calling camp areas, it was exploration, it was perfect! Grouping with friends…
  • Originally posted by fardreamer iv decided a long time ago that blind praise is better then hatred at all times, you say a healthy argument includes a negative side, I do not believe that to be true at all, a healthy constructive argument leans tow…
  • EQN and Landmark largely are kids games. And rightfully so, to be brutally honest. Different generations of gaming expect different things out of their games, and I think this current one is looking simply for something they can play with their kids…
    in kids game Comment by Quillim August 2014