They're almost turning console into PC. That way they're monopolized or something...hmm...that sounds familiar...oh never mind that.
But yeah, it's sad that there are console exclusives but the least I could do is not support it by not buying le co…
World of Warplanes...I think that's what it's called.
Or about the taking things apart part, it's not a military game but it has quite some destruction...probably the God of War series. Haha... XD
Oops...sorry I got nothing. I thought I'm gonna find something too. In fact I didn't know you could do that, though I think it's illegal in some places I think, like there.
I like Left 4 Dead. It's doesn't take that long to complete a campaign but it's fun to play with friends...until someone gets pissed off. Hahahaha!!
It also keeps me on my toes...sometimes it's difficult to determine when a horde will come.