Aura Kingdom is a better game but gets ignored. It will soon add its 14th class and has had 10 content updates with 2 more before he end of the year. Want a great casual game or one to play with the kids thne check it out.
Aura Kingdom just added 2 new maps, new dungeons, new gear, and raised the level cap to 80. What does Aeria games want to talk about? The latest tiered spender. If you want a publisher who will get every penny out of the player base get Aeria Games.…
Most likely no one will read this, but I do agree that sub based games should not be on the list. The f2p games are all pay to win and a rip off is a personal predjjudice of those who want to justify their subs, A better canidate is Neverwinter, whi…
I am also playing this game and not having any bot problems. I have not checked out the economy since the gear I have gotten from drops and quests has been good. Game has only been out about a month and new content is incoming. I am having trouble a…