my prefered character class is no class. to many games limit items to certain classes, id rather it be that classes only effect your starting stats, and maybe a small number of unique spells only useable by your class, like it was in diablo one
i remember back in the day expansion packs were rare and if then, a one time deal. now it seems every game must have an expansion pack, some more then one(sims anyone?)
To summorize the world of warcraft episode of South Park:
the episode begins with Cartman meets up with the rest of the gang(Stan Kyle and Kenny). as they head off for a quest a character runs up and Kills them instantly(references are made tha…
Originally posted by Tryggvi
Anyone know of an MMORPG that's coming out within the next couple months? I don't have a lot of time left to play these things
tell me there is not a mortality based reason why you dont have time. well all i real…
Originally posted by TheDrunk
Dear wolf junkie u have a asatru dp and yet i find u nto following the vitrues of ur kith and kin ancesters ( YES I HAVE A PROBLEM SPELLING )
I am wondering if u are even asatru for if so what does the Futhark writing…
I agree.
for me i dont like the grouping gimic we are starting to see in games. I dont play MMO's because i want to be in a big guild, have a few hundred people on a friends list or go out in ~6 person parties when ever i play. i play MMO's becaus…
Originally posted by Coolguy20 LOL id hate to be the child from these too.
screw you man, least im not the one insulting someone who has CP!
their not making fun of you, their making fun of your Ahole jock esq appearence.
me and my girlfirend are another example, we are neither fat nore zit ridden(though we do get the occasional zit here or there)…
oh thats going to be grand
i was wondering about the extremly short clip that comedy central hass of the newest episode. its just like two or three secounds of the kids sitting at computers staring at the screen, all chubby and zit-faced as th…
swg was ok, i liked the injury system but not the "health point" system. crafting was interesting but i would have liked to see something graphical(to set it apart from all the other MMO crafting systems) i didn't like how the market was entirely pl…
ditch the glowing text images
yellow on black is a little harsh on the eyes
what ever sound you got loading on the splash page, loose it
all helpful tips to make your site look less noobish
quests are needed but shouldnt be the focus of the game
taking the OP as an example, some players are easily entertained by crafting and grinding(not that thats bad, i myself love crafting) while other players need specific goals that can be grant…