But what you fail to realize is..... that 'you' are part of the problem. Since you (and many others) continue to play and pay for a game that you freely admit you are tired of.... it serves to prop up the image that the way to keep subs is to creat…
Because this has never been done before in the game....
Oh wait, the Desert Skiff, Barc, Varactyl, Yacht, Flash Speeder and Goggles all come to mind...
Is that supposed to be some sort of justification?
The disconnect between players and devs has grown quite sizable.
In an interview a couple months back (http://tobolds.blogspot.com/2006/05/jeff-kaplan-interview-in-ny-times.html):
Q. Overall, what percentage of level 60 players do you think have k…
-Would have to take place before RotS or at least several years after RotJ. Best bet would be to go old Republic, like KotOR.
-Would have to include Jedi. There is really no way around this. I don't particularly like the "random Force …