Im just curious if they're going to do a catch up mechanism for players who start playing 6 months for now or if you'll forever be behind those who are playing at the start.
Being slaughtered in Cyrodill as a new lvl 50 by people who have 1200 CP …
Its not similar to the D3 paragon system, it is the exact same thing. This type of system obviously works well in an ARPG, should be interesting to see how the MMO community reacts to the massive xp grind.
Its great to see all they're doing, and a lot of the people playing the game love it to death. I would argue that this is the best MMO for those who arent so much looking for a challenge as just a fun experience. What I mean by that is that they wer…
Yes lets make it into generic in game content. Following garrosh around and not killing him for some reason as we watch him do stuff. We can help him complete his quest to build the iron horde that may kill us all bc we're dicks. Sounds like great c…