I just hope they dont do PvP zones like they did in DAOC
The warhammer world is all one piece not split into continents, well some of it is but the major areas!!
I also belive Mythic really has thier work cut out for them since most true warhamm…
I just hope they get the chaos wastes done right graphically. The Warhammer world is large, a rather large undertaking. If the PvP or RvR is as good as DaoC's is, im stoked.
Ill be making my purchase regardless of what they call it
Devoted Follower of Father Nurgle
In my opinion a title doesent make a game....
But thats just my opinion
Im not judging anyone nor am i saying saying the new changes are the best thing ever, i am simply stating i enjoy games that dont take me a year to get to the point in the game i want, i dont have the time to play 4-6 hours a day.
And yes i have p…
I played Galaxies when it first came out and left because it took too much time to achieve the goals in game i wanted, with the new changes im thinking of coming back.
People get mad about all sorts of stuff with games and i really thinks its sill…