danwest58 said:
If you been a gym rat what do you suggest for a guy that is 265 right now has bad knees that cannot take high impact training. I was looking at https://www.youtube.com/user/popsugartvfit Pop Sugar youtube videos that might h…
paul43 said:
I hope they don't give keys to 1 post accounts.. I understand that they want people to register, but yeah, those accounts are probably alt accounts.
While I can agree with this...also remember there are people, who for wh…
Shocking! At least a note...somewhere...letting those of us who aren't new alt accounts know what's happening - there are genuinely interested people around!
While better now, for a (long) while, the moderation on these forums more resembled Reddit, than anything civilised. There are a lot of users who just will not comment, and I don't blame them (I'm one)