Nice Vid. So far I have found the Invasion to be alot of fun, and once they lift the debt in the zones that the invasion is in it will be even be even better.
Ya Final Fantasy will delete you toon after 3 months of being inactive. As to CoH/CoV the only thing they have really done toward that is a couple years ago if you had been inactive for 6 months or longer (if I remember right) and if you were under…
There are some very friendly and knowledgeable people on there that will go out of their way to help you. Unfortunately anytime you have an environment like that it will draw in the rude and obnoxious. The only real defense is to just ignore them …
There are alot of people that still play CoV. The unfortunate part is since the release of I8/I9 a good portion of the population switched back to CoH. But its only a matter of time till they switch back. My friends and I are constantly switching…