Yes i see what you mean. It would lose a lot of the realism to make it anything like a normal MMORPG (Bosses etc). But their could be caves or towns which groups of bandits own and you have to take out the leader *boss* but he could be more skillful…
This does seem like a good idea.. i will have a look around the net to try and find one. After playing the game "Gun" at my friends house its given me an urge to play a western style mmo as well lol. I will post back if i find anything
If your looking for fast paced pvp then you should give "The Legend Of Mir 2" a try as in my opinion its one of the best mmorpgs to pvp on... the game itself is a little out dated but the pvp alone makes up for that lol *ahh thinks back to the good …
1). Yes you can, well im 99% sure as my brother has the game and he seems to be playing online with others that do not have the expansion.
2). is their a way to disable the tools program while you install? if so do that.. or uninstall it then inst…