Uhm, I'm a Senior at Northside High School in Columbus, GA. I'm 18...and I have a sexy beast of a boyfriend named Eric. I'm more of a console gamer, I suppose, but I'm hardcore into World of Warcraft and Warcraft III lately. I'm also a Final Fantasy XI veteran.
I haven't had much trouble with griefers at all. Everyone's pretty darned polite in fact...
...well, there was this one time in the Maze of Shakhrami that some jerks kept training aggressive monsters through and getting people killed...but that on…
GOD! Yeah I know, I've tried about three or four times and no luck. My bf downloaded some DL-resume-er called "Download Mage" or something and when it got finished it was CORRUPT. I'm just gonna try doing it at his house, since his computers are fa…
Man, does anyone know when they're gonna make an expansion or anything? I remember hearing it was gonna be February '04...but...yeah. That's also when they were supposed to start PvP too I think (ew).
Just curious...because, I'm trying to give my …